Saturday, 28 July 2012

Gardening .......

Almost able to coffee out!
The sun was shining bright today, so we decided to brave the cold and do a spot of gardening. I wanted to get a bit of a head start, and put things in before spring. These had to be frost hardy of course, so Kale, broccoli, mesclun, beetroot and silver beet it was.  We do not have a huge garden, so plant a lot in pots, and in a big concrete planter at the front of the house. Ive also due to lack of space, started planting along the lawn edge, which I guess traditionally would normally be flowers!! Hopefully it works!

We are not pro gardeners around here, but each year we learn a little more and get a little better. We even planted tomatoes from seed last year!! I love looking out the window and seeing the little seedlings do their thing, and always feel a bit of pride when dishing up something for dinner from our garden.

Garlic that self sowed, bonus!
The kids enjoy helping out, and often will have their own little pot where they can grow what ever they like. Charlie planted an avocado stone one year to see what would happen, and now we have a 50cm tree to deal with!
There are still a few things I would like to master, such as composting and companion planting. We do a bit of the latter, but at this stage all out scraps go to our chickens. I'm looking at making a bokashi type system, hopefully this summer!

Archie's favourite garden duty!

I'm certainly not a passionate Gardner, but have slowly learnt to enjoy pottering around outside. I love going out in the middle of summer and picking juicy tomatoes and colanders full of courgettes. This for me makes a bit of weeding every so often very much worth it!

Kale growing amongst the foliage
Hope you are having a lovely saturday, Sarah xx

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Joe ......

I have been really enjoying knitting this winter. I have finally found some patience and have found myself liking the fact that it takes longer to finish something, then it does when you whip it up on the sewing machine!! I love the fact that I can leave my knitting on the side of the couch, and pick it up and do a few rows whenever I have few minits spare time.
I am still very much an amateur, but slowly learning new things enabling me to undertake slightly more exciting projects!
At the moment I'm knitting a hat for Andy ( apparently I never make him anything so I really had to get on to it!). This is take two of the hat, the first one ended up fitting Charlie, important lesson learnt.... Use the right size yarn!! The pattern I'm using is called Joe, from designer Jane Richmond. Ive also made her mitten cuffs, which have come out super cute. I like her patterns as they are really easy to follow and simple, great for beginners. The hat is knit on double pointed needles which was a first for me, now I have gotten past the awkwardness I'm really enjoying it.
I'm about a third of the way done, hopefully it works out fingers crossed!

Joe attempt number 1!

Joe attempt number 2 ....
Do you like knitting?? Id love some suggestions of cool knitting patterns to try ..... Sarah xx

Monday, 16 July 2012

Hiatus ......

So it seems I've had a bit of a blog Hiatus. Not because I've had nothing to share, but the simple fact that I have been soo busy! This does mean though, that I now have a build up of cool stuff to show you yay!
In the mean time here is a photo essay, of some things that have been happening round here. (Had a wee play on picmonkey FUN!)

 1/ knitting gloves, 2/ waiting for the train, 3/ beautiful church outside our house, 4/ Archie and I on our road trip, 5/ Beach fun, 6/ Marlborough winery, 7/ Picton foreshore, 8/ New pretty quilt, 9,10/ New haircuts.

If you made it past the photo bomb well done! It has been a busy but fun few weeks.
Hope you are all keeping warm, Sarah xx