Monday, 9 April 2012

Long Weekend ........

We are all shattered, have two boys in bed asleep. We have just had the best and busiest Easter weekend, full of Family, fun and chocolate!

We have a few traditions that we like to do over the Easter weekend, the first one being 'The grand annual Easter egg hunt'. The hunt is always held on the last day of school, and is such a fun way to kick off the school hols. Loads of family's from around the neighbourhood, head down to the queens gardens, where the hunt is held. Here the organisers, have hidden the eggs all ready for the children, such excitement!

On good Friday we like to make Hot cross buns and invite the family around for afternoon tea. Uunfortunately I really suck at making them and they turned out like little brown rocks!! I think I'm going to blame it on the recipe, and search out a new one for next year!
This long weekend, we also had the added celebration of two birthdays, a 60th held on good Friday, and a  family 30th held the next day.
It was really great to have the whole family home on Saturday to share a meal. Its not often we are all together at the same place! The kids love being surrounded by their uncles and aunties, and got spoilt to death!


Sunday was egg day, and its seems its either feast or famine round here!! This year was feast, the kids got so many eggs it was not funny, considering they are not used to a huge amount of sugar it wasn't pretty either!! It was also the day everyone went home. We fare welled, my brother and his wife back to Blenheim, and my sister and her partner back up North. Its always so bitter sweet when they come to stay as we all get along really well, yet we cant seem to all live in the same place! I do so envy people who get to live in the same town as their family.

We are recuperating today, well meant to be. Andy took the kids to the skate park and ended up at A&E with Jack who split his chin open doing stunts! Luckily he narrowly missed out getting stitches and got glued up instead. He doesn't seem to bothered and we even managed a family bike ride up the river in the afternoon (and more Easter eggs)!!

We were blessed with beautiful weather all weekend, great company, and happy kids..... what more could one want! Hope you all had a lovely weekend xx

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