Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Fun ......

After three days of trying to re-thread my overlocker, yep you read that right three days, I finally got the damn tension right (please never break again needle). I was all ready to tackle a pile of orders, but decided to have a little creative play instead.
My mum volunteers in an op-shop, so she keeps me in good supply of woollen jerseys to re -purpose. This lovely grey one has been sitting round for a while waiting for me to do something with it. With no real plan in mind I started cutting!

So the above turned in to a Cardi for Charlie or maybe Archie, not sure yet!

Im pretty happy with it..... not 100% sure about the pockets. They have already been unpicked once, they started out blue. Charlie loves it, but I'm thinking it might be a wee bit small, we shall see......
I loved this wee project, it was so nice to just start doing something and see it evolve. Felt good to re-use something as well!


  1. Looks great I love the contrasting colours in the hood... and I do love a good re-style! :) Jenny

    1. Thanks Jenney, I love adding a bit of stripe and bright to things!! I love the wee shorts you have been making, might have to try and make some for Archie :)
